Monday, August 06, 2007

A Year Later????

Hello all,

I finally got back to posting. What a year it's been! Time flies when you are having fun. I have been happily been knitting away on various projects, I've even kept a few. I have also made two new fabulous knitting friends. We get together every other Tuesday to knit, talk and have much needed Mommy time! Currently I am working on a felted tote bag for a silent auction to benefit a friend's niece and nephew. Their father passed away earlier this year, and the family is having a festival to benefit the kids. They are hoping to make it a yearly event. Here is a link: It will be in Stewartstown, PA on Sept. 29th and should be fun. Lots of music, food, and crafts.

Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.